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Writer's pictureAngelica Hurst

My Best Tips For Budgeting In Business + Saving Money

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Let's talk about budgeting and saving money in your online business, what you should be tracking, saving and more!

So tell me, how badly do you want to scale your business?

Find all the business tips on budgeting and money making in this blog!
I dropped my best tips for budgeting and saving money in your online business!

Budgeting In Business: Why You Should Be Tracking Your Business Moves + What To Track

If you're not tracking what you're doing, it makes sense why you're not scaling as quickly as you hoped. I'm also not talking about tracking likes, saves, or shares..

As Beriloz would say in the movie The Aristocats, "that's sissy stuff" 🤭

Be besties with your Money! It's crucial to know what money is coming in & out of your biz & if you're hitting your income goals. This tracking allows you to scale easier because there's intention behind your actions & you know exactly what your profit/loss ratio is.

Start tracking things like:

💎SOP's: Standard Operating Procedures -the step by step run down of how you get from point A to Z for every task in your business {this is extremely important and helpful when you add team members to your team or outsource tasks}

💎Leads and Launches: what leads are the most engaged, and nurtured, and important details/info while launching and the hot leads during launches

💎Data: forget likes, you want things like email open rates & sales page drop offs

💎Income Projections: see how much you're currently forecasted to make for the year & plan how to increase it based off your current offers

Track every move you make & how your audience responds to it -ANALYZE

Evaluate what content your audience enjoys, what emails made people unsubscribe, & what sales page made you the most $ -ASSESS

Make changes to any negative reactions. If the results were positive, keep them or even enhance them -ADJUST

The more you know, the more your biz can grow! & grow sustainably because you are giving your audience what they want {helloooo great client experience}😉

Data tracking was one of my responsibilities at the multi billion dollar company, Walt Disney World! My 5 years tracking labor, turnover rate, guest requests, leader responsibilities, etc., taught me a lot about biz growth bcuz you can see where the gaps & losses are at in order to better the experience for guests. Grab my FREE behind the scenes checklist to make tracking easier with an organized business process!

Budgeting In Business: How To Save Money {And Your Sanity} In Your Online Business

Every small fee adds up...Why are you wasting money paying multiple platforms, and time jumping between them?

Let's put it into perspective-

What would you choose? One business automation platform + CRM tool that can host everything, or the headache of multiple CRM systems?
It's time my beautiful gems to make the change to ONE CRM platform like Dubsado + enjoy the power of business automation from one magic CRM

One of the best kept secrets of Dubsado is that it can be FREE. Meaning saving hours a week to onboard new clients will literally cost y nothing.

Not only can you do ALL your client experience needs in ONE spot {I mean why do you need more of a reason then that...} but it is also FREE. Well, for up to 3 clients anyways.

This works amazing for entrepreneurs who still have a corporate job & only take on a few clients at a time or for those branding designers that do big builds so you only have to take on a few clients a month.

So you can either continue 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 so much time using 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙡𝙚 platforms for your client experience journey


𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 so much time using 𝙤𝙣𝙚 platform for free {or a discounted fee for more then 3 clients}.

I can go on for DAYS about the amount of things you can do in ONE CRM system. Don't fall into the trap of multiple platforms {because trust me you're not saving money by doing so.}



Learn all about CRM platforms, CRM tools, business systems, business automation, making money in business, budgeting in business, and SO much more with my Expansive Ecosystem course!
Everything from budgeting in business, money in business, business automation, CRM tools + more!

I teach all of this inside my course, Expansive Ecosystem. I grew my biz sustainably & compiled all I learned to teach you how to do the same!

Implementing what you learn from this course will allow you to expand your business effortlessly while still providing a top-notch client experience to your current clients AND potential clients in order to keep that money rolling in!

The deets:

⚡6 Modules

⚡22 Lessons

⚡Bonus Video Tutorials

⚡Templates, checklists, & other extras in every module

⚡Special reference page for extra links you may need

Talk soon toots,


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