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Writer's pictureAngelica Hurst

How Selfcare Is Going To Help Elevate Your Client Experience

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

{Yes you read that right} Let's talk about how to practice self-care that will actually get you paid...

When you're treating yourself like a VIP, you're in a good mood! And when you're in a good mood, the energy you put into your business and your clients will match your good vibes! You can show up to work and show up for your clients EVEN BETTER. Your client experience and customer journey rely heavily on how YOU show up + how YOU feel!

If you treated yourself as great as you treat your clients {or potential clients 😉}, you will most likely feel more: energized, positive, & productive -Which will ultimately get you more CLIENTS & even better RESULTS.

Let's talk about how you can practice selfcare, that will actually do your clients some good too (by creating an elevated client experience and customer journey.)
Yes it's true! You can practice selfcare that will make you more online money silly toots! I'm excited to share these secrets...

Put yourself FIRST & watch how quickly your feminine energy starts to thrive

What's The {untalked-of} Secret To Creating A Luxury Client Experience?

YOU + selfcare = better customer journey

When you're treating yourself like a VIP, you're in a good mood, and when you're in a good mood you only put out good vibes! You can show up to work and show up for your clients EVEN BETTER. Your client experience and customer journey relies heavily on how YOU show up + how YOU feel!

Stepping into that powerful CEO mindset, can sometimes be the simplicity of self-care and prioritizing yourself!

How Can I Start Prioritizing Work Balance + Selfcare To Better My Client Experience?

Start keeping things organized and in order!

Time is what you want {most} & what you use the {worst}. People are ALWAYS asking me how I keep my life so organized & productive...So I always say to them,

••it's not lack of time, it's lack of knowing what to do with that time••

Procrastination is such a chronic issue, that 25% of adults actually use this as a defining personality trait 🤯. The 1st step to avoiding procrastination, is to have some kind of checklist or to-do list to keep yourself in line.

Which is why I'm giving you this simple list that you can use for the beginning of each week!

💎Clean your space: a clean space provides you with a clean environment which leads to a clean headspace. If your surroundings are a mess, your mind will revert to panic mode to protect you

💎Take a glance at your whole week: actually look at ALL the things you need to get done & jot them down to see what's even feasible to include in your list for the week

💎Prioritize your tasks: from the list you created above, prioritize them by what HAS to get done as soon as possible, what can be held off until later, what you can delegate, or what you can get rid of altogether. Utilize my FREE behind the scenes checklist to make sure your behind the scenes is clean, organized, & keeping your business running smoothly!

💎Schedule your tasks: put those tasks into a schedule -This will hold you accountable

💎Don't Multitask: if someone says they're a pro at multitasking, it means they're good at bouncing from one thing to another. It DOES NOT mean they can actually do multiple things at once. Not focusing on one task at a time will result in lower quality work per task

💎Don't forget selfcare: Take a break, enjoy a walk, go to the gym.. all of these will put a smile on your face & make you {that much more} productive when you get back to work



Now that you know how to treat yourself like a VIP, let's put that energy into the universe and share it with your clients! Grab my low-ticket client experience bundle that will allow you to...

Talk soon toots,


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