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Writer's pictureAngelica Hurst

4 Vital Pieces You Need To Master To Have An Unforgettable Client Experience

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Having these four steps taken care of in your client experience process will make you loads of sales {coming from a sold out Online Business Manager}

Trust me this works! Make sure to implement yourself, and keep me in the loop of your transformation ;)

To put into simpler terms, client experience in the online space is similar to customer service in the workforce. It's serving your customers and giving them an emotional experience, that will keep you top of mind.

The goal here is to make clients FEEL a certain way while working with you. A feeling that is unique to YOU and your brand! This may sound easier said than done, but I promise after mastering these four steps, your client experience will be top notch!

Client Experience Step one: Onboarding and Offboarding Process

There is one VERY important thing you need to remember about an unforgettable customer experience, and that is:

💎It starts BEFORE someone becomes your client

💎 Should continue AFTER you're done working with them

Yes, my beautiful gems, your first impression matters! It's a direct sneak peek into what it's like to work with you. Make sure it's unique, supportive, and welcoming! Steal my FREE welcome email template if you're wanting to elevate your first impression TODAY.

Your offboarding process is just as important! It should not just be a goodbye, and that's it. {We're not living our dreadful 9-5 anymore babes} Make it personal, unique, and most of all unforgettable! Your client wants and should feel loved and appreciated for working with you! {Especially if you want them to resign with you or refer you -this is where effortless sales happen}

Client Experience Step two: Lead Generation + Engagement

As soon as someone comes into your audience, you need to be engaging with them!

Whether it's welcoming them through the DM's, welcoming them into your community, etc. you're getting to know them -building authentic connections and relationships

There are three types of people that you will engage with:

💎Potential clients/leads

💎Other business owners you can collaborate with

💎Individuals that support your business

ALL 3 DESERVE LOVE! Make sure you're giving them a great customer experience as soon as your first interaction. You truly never know who can turn into a client! After all, you and I both know your services are valuable!

Client Experience Step Three: Business Systems, CRM Tools + Business Automation

If you're an OG, you know I've got a lot to say around here about business systems, and CRM tools.

Let's just say if you're wanting to be the type of business owner that sips a glass of wine in a nice relaxing bath for two hours and onboard 3 clients with the touch of a finger -the world of business automation is for you!

Client Experience Step Four: Tracking and Data

If you're not tracking what you're doing, it makes sense why you're not scaling as quickly as you hoped. I'm also not talking about tracking likes, saves, or shares...

As Beriloz would say in the movie The Aristocats, "that's sissy stuff" 🤭

Here's what you should be tracking:

💎SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) - the processes you should track to help streamline your to-do list, and delegate to team members

💎Data - forget likes, you want things like email open rates & sales page drop offs

💎Income Projections - see how much you're currently forecasted to make for the year & plan how to increase it based off your current offers

These are important to pay attention to! Tracking helps you know more, and the more you know, the more your biz can grow! & grow sustainably because you are giving your audience what they want {helloooo great client experience}😉

Here is my EASY 3 step process for tracking: ANALYZE, ASSESS, ADJUST.

  • Track every move you make & how your audience responds to it -ANALYZE

  • Evaluate what content your audience enjoys, what emails made people unsubscribe, & what sales page made you the most $ -ASSESS

  • Make changes to Amy negative reactions. If the results were positive, keep them or even enhance them -ADJUST

If you're unsure where you stand with your current client experience, head over my "Important questions to ask yourself about your current client experience" blog, to reflect and take actionable + implementable steps to elevate your current client experience! {Don't do this unless you want potential clients knocking down your door to work with you ;)}




Learn how to build a foundational ecosystem utilizing business systems + tools, engagement + lead generation strategies, email marketing, data tracking, & projecting income all while keeping client experience top of mind.

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⚡6 Modules

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⚡Templates, checklists, & other extras in every module

⚡Special reference page for extra links you may need

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